black lives matter

Dear Kranti Family,
As I’m sure you’re aware, the #black lives matter movement has gained a lot of traction recently. We’re late to speak up and we apologize, but please know we are not indifferent, and we were taking the time to educate ourselves. We care. And we want to help.

Yoga is union. You are not practicing yoga if you are just practicing for yourself. This is why we believe we should stand by this important movement and act, as best we can, within the yoga community. Our first step, as an individual and a community, is to educate ourselves. Our second step is to take action. And our third step is to practice both of the above diligently.

To quote Patanjali: “Practice becomes firmly grounded when well attended to for a long time, without break and in all earnestness.” – Yoga Sutra 1.14
The problems of racism, inequality, and lack of representation of people of color in yoga are not just our issue at Kranti Yoga – it is an issue of the yoga industry globally. But, as a yoga school with a large platform and a big global audience, we have a loud voice, and we mustn’t just ignore the issue or pretend like it “is not our problem”.

Yoga is union. We are all in this together. And if we can do better, we want to. If we can help elevate voices that are not heard, co-create inclusive spaces, and give opportunities to those who have been marginalized by oppressive systems, then that is what we want to facilitate.

We are not perfect. But we are trying. Community is, and always has been, at the heart of what we do. And we want to be part of the solution. Please read on to see how we are planning on doing a better job to stand for exclusivity, representation, and union – both in the shala and the online space.

First, we will be introducing a scholarship program to our yoga teacher training courses. This is for those marginalized in the yoga community who are financially unable to attend yoga teacher training but have a dedicated practice. Yoga is for everyone, irrespective of background, religion, age, sex, race, nationality, those who are less able-bodied, and those who are financially limited. We want to welcome you. (More details on this to come…)

Second, we want to use our online platforms to promote equality within the yoga community. How? Through education. Educating our audience on the true teachings of yoga. Ahimsa, the first Yama, means non-harm and is about more than non-violence. It is more than being nice. Today, ahimsa can look like direct action, direct action taken to impact harm-inducing systems, and oppressive structures, that facilitate white supremacy and racial inequality. It looks like taking a stand for social justice by using your voice, your actions, your vote, and your energy, whenever and wherever you need to.

Third, if you are someone who has directly felt the pain of this oppression. We are sorry that you had to suffer to finally be heard. If you have any feedback for us or how we can help the yoga community, please feel this is a safe space to reach out. We want to hear from you.

Our parting words to you, our community, is this…

What is the power of black lives matter that you have to affect positive change externally?

How can you honor the fullness of the teachings of yoga? Not just your asana practice. Are you showing reverence to the entire practice, with respect and honor?

Where can you educate yourself, and take action, to support the #black lives matter movement in your community? Perhaps by supporting black-owned businesses, by donating to charities that support black initiatives and equality, or helping to dismantle the oppressive and unjust systems that result in racism by having difficult conversations with those closest to you.

What is in your field of awareness is what you take into the yoga classroom, as yoga teachers and practitioners we have a responsibility. We need to stay informed about this, we need to keep talking about this, and we need to act. Black lives matter. It is going to take all of us – as individuals, as businesses, as communities – doing our work to make a difference and support a just and equitable world.

To say it again: we are not perfect. But we are trying. Community is, and always has been, at the heart of what we do. And we want to be part of the solution.

Om Shanti Shanti.

Kranti Yoga Team